About Lehman College Art Gallery
Always free to the public, Lehman College Art Gallery has been serving the interests of our diverse audience from the Bronx and greater New York City since 1984. The gallery specializes in thematic group exhibitions that bring together famous artists with emerging talents. Education is an integral component of the Gallery’s programming and provides the basis of community outreach—from young students to senior citizens.

Staff & Board of Trustees
Bartholomew F. Bland, Executive Director
Mary Ann Siano, Grants Associate | maryann.siano5@gmail.com
Deborah Yasinsky, Assistant Director, Curator of Education | Deborah.Yasinsky1@lehman.cuny.edu
Luke Wright, Web Designer | wrightluke108@gmail.com
Marina Garde and Dolly Bross Geary (Co-Chairs)
Dr. Fernando Delgado, President, Lehman College
Sara Bamber
David Bicks
Virginia Cupiola
Susan Ebersole
Geraldine Hayes
Yolanda F. Johnson
Red Grooms
Elisabeth Lorin
Dannielle Tegeder
Feature Stories
Our Supporters
Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation
Charina Foundation
Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation
Fidelity Charitable
Medora Bross Geary and John Geary Family Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation
Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation
Keith Haring Foundation
Edith and Herbert Lehman Foundation
Robert Lehman Foundation
The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation
New Yankee Stadium Community Benefits Fund
Art 3-D
Programming supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council
Lehman College Art Gallery is grateful for the support of New York City Council members Diana Ayala, Eric Dinowitz, Oswald Feliz, Kristy Marmorato, and Kevin Riley
New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature

Our Building
Founding director Nina Sundell established Lehman College Art Gallery (LCAG) in 1984 as an art center to play a significant role in the cultural life of the Bronx. Today, the Gallery reaches out to the Bronx as well as the greater New York area, offering to Lehman students and to the public the work of contemporary artists, and an understanding of the social and cultural context of the art of our time. Within the setting of a building originally designed by the renowned architect Marcel Breuer, completed in 1960, visitors are treated to informative and visually exciting contemporary art exhibitions, public programming, and art education programs. Architect Marcel Breuer’s first buildings in New York City were completed in 1960 on the western edge of Hunter College’s uptown campus (today, Lehman College). In dramatic contrast to the college’s original 1930s neo-Gothic structures, the current Fine Arts Building, which houses the Gallery, was originally the College’s library. Breuer wrapped the building’s shoebox shape in a curtain wall of glass, flooding the rooms with light and he designed the interior space to be unobstructed, except for two rows of massive columns. From their unusual capitals, spreading out and up, are broad inverted umbrellas or calyxes, which joined edges and braced one another to form the Gallery’s remarkable undulating ceiling. Since each umbrella is formed from plates curved in the self-supporting shape of the “hyperbolic paraboloid,” Breuer was able to mold them of extremely light, thin-shelled reinforced concrete, using only six columns to support the 160 by 180-foot ceiling.